Monday, April 6, 2009

Musings !!

While pondering on the intricacies of life I often stumble upon things which are deeper than I could fathom.

I’m little amused by the pace at which the information age is catapulting us or rather the identity crisis which we endure.

The choices we have today puts as in even more tragic situations than the times with little or no choice at all.

As humans the only rational abode we have to distinguish ourselves from our animal counterparts is the ability to think; are we using it to adapt and survive according to the demanding situations and merely following a pattern.

Existence from prehistoric times has given man the opportunities to make choices to capture the essence of life either through emotional or intellectual pursuits.

As the globe is getting flatter and the hybrid homosapian who has embraced cross cultural identities and new socio political out look will certainly be on the pursuit.

Achieving the balance between the tangible and the intangible will be a cake walk only for a few brave souls, let the others fight and win.

As introspection is giving way to the carefree let us delve deep and add feathers to our caps.

Cheers !!!


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